

加彼岸加拿大移民资讯头图 Beyond Canada Blogs Header Image


  1. 企业合法经营,在阿省提供商品和服务。
  2. 企业担保的职位与企业经营活动相符合。
  3. 企业担保的offer需要通过省移民局的验证。
  4. 企业需要至少在阿省经营2个完整财年。
  5. 在阿省有办公场地,且员工要去办公室办公。
  6. 企业年收入需要达到40万加币。
  7. 企业至少在阿省雇佣3个全职员工。
  8. 企业所担保的人员数量将被限制。
  9. 独立承包商、家庭企业、远程办公的均不具有资格。
    ![FireShot Capture 016 - Alberta job offer and employment requirements - Alberta.ca - www.alberta.ca.png](https://beyond-canada-back-staging-mooc.s3.ca-central-1.amazonaws.com/Fire_Shot_Capture_016_Alberta_job_offer_and_employment_requirements_Alberta_ca_www_alberta_ca_b77c4f9dd0.png)



  • 阿尔伯塔
  • 雇主担保

Beyond Canada includes BEYONDCANADA CONSULTING, BISON EDUCATION and BEYONDCANADA INVESTMENT which are all federally registered companies in Canada and are staffed by their own immigration lawyers, RCIC (Regulatory Council of Immigration Consultants of Canada) licensed immigration consultants, education consultants, vocational trainers, real estate agents, accountants and business experts. They are composed of their own immigration lawyers, RCIC licensed immigration consultants, education consultants, vocational trainers, real estate agents, accountants and business experts.


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