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IEC 工作许可证:加拿大实施自动化处理以缩短审批时间


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IEC 工作许可证:加拿大实施自动化处理以缩短审批时间

2023 年 11 月 7 日,IRCC推出了自动化工具,以加快加拿大国际经验(IEC) 工作许可证流程。这一新系统旨在减少加拿大年轻国际人士的等待时间并改善移民体验。新工具将根据申请的复杂性对申请进行分类,并批准常规申请的资格。这会帮助申请人提高效率来更快地做出决定。

IEC 是一项为国际青年提供在加拿大工作机会的计划。来自 30 多个不同国家的年轻人可以获得开放工作许可证,这样他们就可以为自己选择的加拿大任何雇主工作。根据 IEC 颁发的工作许可证无需进行劳动力市场影响评估(LMIA)。




  • 加拿大移民
  • 安省移民
  • IRCC
  • LMIA
  • IEC
  • 加拿大工签

Beyond Canada includes BEYONDCANADA CONSULTING, BISON EDUCATION and BEYONDCANADA INVESTMENT which are all federally registered companies in Canada and are staffed by their own immigration lawyers, RCIC (Regulatory Council of Immigration Consultants of Canada) licensed immigration consultants, education consultants, vocational trainers, real estate agents, accountants and business experts. They are composed of their own immigration lawyers, RCIC licensed immigration consultants, education consultants, vocational trainers, real estate agents, accountants and business experts.


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